Jakarta –
The government has removed a series of taxes to build and buy houses for low-income communities (MBR). Some of the taxes to be removed include Building Approval Fee (PBG) and Land and Building Acquisition Fee (BPHTB).
The removal of these taxes is aimed at revitalizing and reinvigorating the property sector. This step is also seen as an economic stimulus to alleviate poverty.
So, how did the removal of these taxes begin?
Discussion on the Removal of VAT and BPHTB for Home Purchases
The removal of taxes began with a statement from Hashim Djojohadikusumo, who was then the Chairman of the Housing Task Force for President-elect Prabowo Subianto on Thursday (10/10). He mentioned the plan to eliminate BPHTB and Value Added Tax (VAT). These taxes are set to be removed at the beginning of Prabowo’s term as president.
“Then there’s also a 5% BPHTB (temporarily removed). This is our recommendation to the government to remove 16% (combined with VAT) for a temporary period,” Hashim said during the Propertinomics Exclusive Dialogue event at the Grand Sahid Hotel on Thursday (10/10/2024).
Developer Response to the Removal of Home Purchase Taxes
Property developers have welcomed the policy proposal regarding the removal of BPHTB in Prabowo’s government.
“If later the BPHTB can be waived, that would be very good. It will make the housing units more secure, as they hold the certificate,” said Christine Natasha Tanjungan, Vice President of Commercial National Sinar Mas Land, at the inauguration of JPO Southgate in Tanjung Barat on Monday (14/10/2024).
This policy is expected not only to ease the burden on the community but also to accelerate the growth of the property sector in Indonesia. This will encourage developers to be more active in the property development business by providing housing for prospective consumers.
Building Approval Fee and BPHTB to Be Soon Removed for MBR
Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian revealed that the Building Approval Fee for low-income communities (MBR) will be removed. He will issue a circular letter in the near future.
“I will issue a circular letter within a maximum of 10 days to remove the Building Approval Fee specifically for MBR, so there is no confusion,” Tito said at a discussion on the theme of the 3 Million Houses Program: Joint Efforts to Build Houses for the People at Menara 1 BTN, Jakarta quoted on Saturday (9/11/2024).
Tito also stated that the government will abolish the Land and Building Acquisition Fee (BPHTB) for MBR. This will be socialized with all local governments and developers in the regions.
Prabowo’s Order to Remove Building Approval Fee and BPHTB
The removal of the Building Approval Fee and the exemption of BPHTB for MBR, according to Tito, is a directive from President Prabowo Subianto for the special housing program for MBR.
“I will issue a circular letter within a maximum of 10 days to remove the Building Approval Fee specifically for MBR, so there is no confusion. We will invite all Regional Governments, BTN, and real estate representatives that this MBR housing program has been ordered by Mr. President and must be implemented by Mr. Maruarar. We ask local governments to build a social solidarity movement to help those in need,” Tito said at a discussion on the theme of the 3 Million Houses Program: Joint Efforts to Build Houses for the People at Menara 1 BTN, Jakarta, quoted on Saturday (9/11/2024).
Current Value of Building Approval Fee
The value of the Building Approval Fee will vary in each District/City. However, the calculation components of the Building Approval Fee in each region have some similarities, including the type of building, building area, number of floors, and building function.
For example, in a simulation calculator on KotaSolosisfoizin.solokkab.go.id, if you want to build a single permanent house with an area of 36 m² or still below 50 m², consisting of 1 floor in Solo. The amount of Building Approval Fee to be paid for a house with these specifications is Rp 600,000. Then, if your house uses semi-permanent materials with the same area and number of floors, the Building Approval Fee to be paid is Rp 300,000.
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Removal of Building Approval Fee and BPHTB Should Not Target the Wrong Recipients
In response to this policy proposal, property consultant Anton Sitorus believes it is a good step as it can reduce the cost of building a house. Even if the PBG amount is small, he says it doesn’t matter because it still contributes to reducing costs.
However, Anton cautions that the removal of the Building Approval Fee should be targeted correctly. Commercial houses should not inadvertently benefit from the removal of the Building Approval Fee. The government still needs revenue.
Separately, Urban Planning Observer Yayat Supriyatna also sees this move positively. According to him, the removal of these taxes can help reduce the cost of building houses, thereby easing the burden on developers.
With this, cost savings can be allocated to building more housing units. Even though the PBG amount is small, it still means a lot to MBR with limitations.
“If Rp 600,000 (example of Building Approval Fee) for example, how much is the unit price, that’s a relief for those with limitations,” he said.
Minister Ara Follow Up on the Removal of Building Approval Fee and BPHTB
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Maruarar Sirait (Ara), plans to meet with Tito on Monday evening (18/11). They are expected to discuss the Building Approval Fee and BPHTB for MBR houses.
Ara cannot confirm when the Circular Letter (SE) for the removal of the Building Approval Fee will be issued. However, he is confident it will be soon.
“Pray for it to be soon. Tonight, I will raise it at 8 pm, at his house,” he said when approached by the media after the Agent Awards Jakarta 2024 event in Kuningan, Jakarta on Monday (18/11/2024).
After the SE is issued, the issuance of the PBG will not take long, only requiring 10 days.
“At most, next week I will sign it with the Minister of Home Affairs, from 45 days to 10 days. Please pray for it,” he added.
Building Approval Fee and BPHTB Officially Removed for Low-Income Communities
The government has officially removed the Building Approval Fee and BPHTB for MBR. **Penghapusan Retribusi PBG dan BPHTB: Kabar Gembira untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah**
Pada Senin, 25 November 2024, penandatanganan surat edaran (SE) terkait kebijakan pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) dilakukan di Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri) oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (PU), dan Menteri Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman (PKP). Kebijakan ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah akses MBR dalam memiliki rumah dengan mengurangi biaya pembelian.
**Pentingnya Kebijakan Tersebut**
Ara menjelaskan bahwa kebijakan pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB akan memberikan dampak positif bagi MBR. Salah satunya adalah penghematan biaya pembelian rumah. Dengan adanya kebijakan ini, MBR dapat menghemat pengeluaran yang sebelumnya harus dikeluarkan untuk membayar retribusi PBG dan BPHTB.
Tito juga menjelaskan bahwa penghapusan retribusi PBG dan BPHTB akan berlaku mulai Desember 2024. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat membantu MBR dalam memperoleh rumah dengan biaya yang lebih terjangkau.
**Kriteria Rumah MBR yang Bisa Mendapatkan Fasilitas**
Tito mengungkapkan bahwa rumah MBR yang memenuhi kriteria tertentu akan mendapatkan fasilitas pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB. Kriteria rumah MBR tersebut termasuk luas maksimal rumah dan besaran penghasilan MBR. Hal ini diatur dalam Keputusan Menteri PU dan PKP Nomor 22/Kpts/M/2023.
Rumah tapak dan rumah susun maksimal luasnya 36 m2, sedangkan rumah swadaya maksimal luasnya 48 m2. Besaran penghasilan MBR juga telah ditentukan berdasarkan wilayahnya.
**Dampak Penghapusan Retribusi PBG dan BPHTB**
Penghapusan retribusi PBG dan BPHTB diharapkan dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi MBR dalam hal penghematan biaya. Meskipun demikian, kebijakan ini tidak akan berdampak pada harga rumah. Konsumen akan mengalami penghematan saat membeli rumah, namun harga rumah tetap stabil.
**Apresiasi dari Pengembang**
Pengembang merespon positif terhadap kebijakan pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB untuk MBR. Junaidi Abdillah dari APERSI menyatakan apresiasi mendalam kepada tiga menteri yang telah mengesahkan kebijakan tersebut. Pengembang juga berharap agar kebijakan ini dapat disosialisasikan secara luas dan ditindaklanjuti oleh pemerintah daerah.
**Tindak Lanjut Kebijakan**
Ari Tri Priyono dari DPP Himperra menekankan pentingnya tindak lanjut dari pemerintah daerah terkait kebijakan pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB. Para pengembang berharap agar kebijakan ini dapat segera diimplementasikan sehingga lebih banyak MBR dapat memiliki rumah dengan biaya yang lebih terjangkau.
Kebijakan pembebasan PBG dan BPHTB untuk MBR merupakan langkah positif dalam mendukung akses perumahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Dengan adanya kebijakan ini, diharapkan lebih banyak MBR yang dapat memiliki rumah tanpa harus terbebani biaya retribusi yang tinggi. Pengembang dan pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat bekerja sama dalam mensosialisasikan dan melaksanakan kebijakan ini untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.
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